This lab intensive manual therapy course presents the use of mechanical movements as part of the evaluative process to lead to proper selection of techniques to address joint dysfunctions and muscular imbalances of the lumbar spine, pelvis and hip.  The emphasis of this course will be on performance of Muscle Energy and Soft Tissue Mobilization Techniques.  We will compare and contrast the traditional osteopathic methods of physical examination of the lumbar spine and pelvis with the mechanical diagnosis method of McKenzie and then blend them together into an efficient progression of care.  Muscular imbalances will be identified based upon the principles of Janda and addressed with both Soft Tissue Mobilization and Muscle Energy Techniques.  Appropriate functional exercises for a home exercise program will be discussed or demonstrated.  The laboratory sessions will consist of hands on demonstration followed by an opportunity to perform the techniques and select exercises under the supervision of the instructor.  Cases will be presented and discussed to allow for critical thinking in the evaluation and functional treatment process.  This course will provide the participant with the understanding and necessary skills to enhance clinical reasoning and manual skills to apply these techniques in the clinical environment.


This is an intermediate level course.


If you would like to host this course at your facility in 2025 please reach out to us HERE





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Course Dates & Locations

Educational Credit

A certificate of attendance for 15 Contact Hourswill be awarded to each participant. All Therapy Network Seminars are pre-approved for CEUs in the state where the course is conducted when required for PT, OT, ATs & Assistants.

Therapy Network, Inc. (BOC AP#: P2563) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Certified Athletic Trainers. Our seminars are eligible for a maximum of 15 Category A hours/CEUs. ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the educational program.

AOTA Approved Provider of Continuing Education # 3073 Category 1 Domain of OT. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsements of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA


This course is intended for PTs, PTAs, OTs, OTAs and ATs


  • Identify the principles of STM & MET.
  • Demonstrate select STM techniques for the Lumbar spine, Pelvis and Hip regions
  • Demonstrate select MET to address joint dysfunctions at the Lumbar Spine, Hip, Pelvis, and Sacro-iliac.
  • Identify precautions and contraindications related to use of manual techniques in the lower quadrant.
  • Demonstrate select MET to address muscular imbalances at the hip, pelvis and lumbo-sacral regions.
  • Demonstrate select exercises for the regions.


  • Day 1

    8:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast
    8:30 Introduction
    Evidenced-Based Practice vs Evidenced-Informed
    Clinical Reasoning and Expertise
    9:00 Anatomy
    Lumbar Spine
    Hip Joint
    9:30 Biomechanics and Coupled Movement of Lumbar Spine
    Sacral and Pelvic Motions
    Hip Motions
    Muscle Imbalances and Janda’s Lower Crossed
    10:00 BREAK
    10:15 Management of Lower Back Pain
    Clinical Prediction Rules
    Classification Systems: Lumbar, Pelvis, Hip
    -Delitto and Fritz’s Lumbar Spine Classification Systems
    -Clinical Pattern Recognition
    -Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (McKenzie)
    -Osteopathic Approach
    12:00 LUNCH (On Your Own)
    1:00 Evaluation Process
    - Questions and Red Flags
    -Physical Examination and Special Tests for Lumbar Spine
    and Hip
    1:30 Examination Lab – Lumbar Spine and Hip
    2:00 Physical Examination of Pelvis
    -SI Provocation Tests
    -Pelvic Motion Tests
    2:30 Examination Lab – Pelvis
    3:00 BREAK
    3:15 Principles and Application of Muscle Energy Technique and Soft Tissue Mobilization
    3:45 Proposed Order of Treatment
    - Contraindications and Precautions
    - Documentation
    - Exercise Considerations
    4:00 Treatment Lab: Lumbar Spine Techniques
    -Lateral Shift Correction
    -Acute Kyphosis Correction
    -Extension Techniques using MET
    5:30 Questions and Adjourn
  • Day 2

    8:00 Treatment Lab: MET for Lumbar Spine
    -Flexion Techniques
    -Group/Neutral Technique
    9:00 Treatment Lab: MET for Pelvis
    Sacro-Iliac Dysfunctions
    -Bilaterally Extended Sacrum
    -Bilaterally Flexed Sacrum
    -Unilateral Sacral Dysfunctions
    Pubic Symphysis
    -Superior Pube
    -Inferior Pube
    10:15 BREAK
    10:30 Treatment Lab: MET for Pelvis

    Ilio-Sacral Dysfunctions
    -Superior Shear
    -Anterior Innominate
    -Posterior Innominate
    -Adjuncts to Treatment
    12:00 LUNCH (Own Your Own)
    1:00 Treatment Lab: STM and MET for Select Muscles
    -Erector Spinae
    -Quadratus Lumborum
    -Tensor Fascia Latte/Ilio-Tibial Band
    3:00 BREAK
    3:15 Treatment Lab: MET for Hip Motions, Quadriceps and Hamstrings
    3:45 Home Exercise Program
    4:15 Case Studies
    5:00 Q/A and Adjourn

Cancellation Policy

Registration fee less a $75 administrative charge is refundable if cancellation received 14 days prior to program date. No refunds will be given after that time. Therapy Network, Inc. reserves the right to cancel a seminar and will refund in full the registration fee only. TNI is NOT responsible for registrants nonrefundable airfare, accommodations or fees.