This course is designed to educate the learner on dizziness related to Post-concussion syndrome. It will cover basic physiology, factors that increase the risk of concussion, co-morbidities causing dizziness that can occur with a concussion and tests to identify them, as well as treatment options. Also, it is designed to help the therapist understand the difference between outcomes and treatment durations for this population as compared to populations suffering from peripheral vestibular disorders only.

 This is an Intermediate Level

Course Objectives

  • Identify the factors that can increase the risk of a protracted recovery from concussion.
  • Identify the different types of issues that can lead to dizziness in patients suffering from a concussion.
  • Understand the tests used to identify co-morbidities that cause dizziness in a patient with a concussion
  • Identify treatment approaches the therapist can use of refer the patient to in order to improve outcomes.

Course Agenda

  • 8:00 – What is a concussion? What are the factors that increase the risk of post-concussion syndrome or chronic concussion
  • Co-morbidities that cause dizziness in patient's affected by a concussion
  • Tests used to identify causes of dizziness in patient's with concussion
  • Treatment options for a patient with dizziness related to concussion
  • Case studies
  • 9:30 – Adjourn


  • Travis Edwards, PT, MPT

Travis Edwards, PT, MPT is a clinician, author and educator who currently serves as a clinic manager for CarePartners Health Services with teaching responsibilities in vestibular rehabilitation and neurodevelopmental treatment in the Doctoral Physical Therapy Program at Western Carolina University.    Additionally, he serves on the board of the Western North Carolina Falls Coalition, which is dedicated to reducing the risk of falls in older adults.   Travis has completed the rigorous Competency Certification Program in Vestibular Rehabilitation at Emory University Medical Center and is the lead therapists at CarePartners Balance and Vestibular Center.  His clinical practice focuses on vestibular rehabilitation, dizziness and balance and falls prevention.  He most recently co-developed a balance and falls-risk screening program that encompasses multiple service lines including inpatient, home health and outpatient programs.   He combines an eclectic clinical approach with academic experience in applying evidence based principles to the examination and management of vestibular dysfunction.  He continues to write and teach in the areas of vestibular rehab, dizziness, and balance and falls related issues while remaining an invaluable resource to his community and the state of North Carolina.

























Contact Hours: 1.5

Price: $49


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