A component of the Meeks Method, this webinar will target the management of long-term, chronically-ill, physically-frail, or pre-frail, cognitively-intact patient. The presentation will include adapted exercise and movement strategies for populations of patients who are being seen by rehabilitation personnel in ICU, Acute Care, Home Care, Nursing Home, and Skilled Nursing Facilities as well as in out-patient clinics. These patients frequently exhibit several other conditions (e.g., COPD, osteoporosis, burns, organ transplants, heart conditions) that may influence movement and exercise prescription. Some of these conditions may have conflicting treatment options (e.g., spinal stenosis vs osteoporosis) and some diagnoses may take precedence over others. Included will be updated research evidence on physical frailty and osteoporosis and a successfully implemented protocol for the management of the patient with an acute spinal compression fracture. With an emphasis on alignment and safety, participants will learn to move from and for the bones in perch posture and sit-to-stand movement. Participants will be introduced to The Re-Alignment Routine,™ a set of four (4) exercises that can be adapted for all populations and which gives a safe, stable and functional foundation for the beginning of a more advanced exercise program. Positioning options and suggestions for adaptations will be presented and participants will learn the importance of exercise prescription in positions from least to most spinal compression. Emphasis is placed on strengthening of the core muscles: Diaphragm, Lower Abdominals, Pelvic Floor and Back Extensors and other “Fountain-of-Youth Muscles” such as the gluteus maximus and medius. The Spinomed III spinal orthosis which has been shown in research to strengthen the back extensors and abdominals, increase vital capacity, and relieve back pain, among other positive effects will be presented as an active, functional option for bracing.

Level of Instruction:  Introduction



Course Objectives

  • Identify the conditions of physical frailty and osteoporosis as they pertain to patient populations which are being seen by rehab personnel.
  • Identify the guidelines for management of the patient with acute spinal compression fracture.
  • Identify the principles of modification of an exercise program including breath and The Re-Alignment Routine to meet the needs of the individual patient
  • Identify movement from and for the bones.
  • Demonstrate Perch Posture, Safe Sit-To-Stand, 2 Visual Images for Postural Correction, Beginning Weight-Shifting Exercises for Balance, 2 Different Visual Images for Improvement in Gait.
  • Identify specific indications for bracing with the Spinomed III Spinal Orthosis.
  • Identify the principles of movement and progression of the program from bedside to next levels of care.

Course Agenda

  • POPULATIONS: Osteoporosis & Frailty
  • OUT OF BED AND INTO LIFE: Postural Correction, Balance, Gait, ADL’s and Bracing
  • 9:30 PM – Q/A and Adjourn


  • Sara Meeks, PT, MS, GCS, KYT

Sara Meeks, PT, MS, GCS, KYT, a physical therapist with nearly 50 years clinical experience and a certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher since 1984, has spent the past 28 years specializing in the unique management implications of persons with low bone mass.  She is an international presenter and the owner of SARA MEEKS SEMINARS which is dedicated to the education of health professionals on the management of bone health. Sara is the author of two books on bone health management, has presented at many State APTA Conferences, and has been a presenter at both Annual Conference and CSM.  She is the founder of the Special Interest Group on Bone Health and the recipient of the APTA Section on Geriatrics Award for Excellence in Clinical Practice (2001).  With her stated mission of creating safety in movement for persons with low bone mass and diagnosed with osteoporosis herself, she brings energy, enthusiasm, and humor into her highly interactive seminars.


Contact Hours: 1.5

Price: $49


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